The most important advises that should be kept constantly in our mind if you want to lose fat and weight simultaneously
- Drink lots of water
- Many vegetables in every meal: Rich in nutrients with few calories.
- Eat lots of fiber
- Workout: Do not limit ourselves only to nutrition and diet.
- Prefer the stairs: Avoid the elevator and generally prefer walking at every opportunity you find.
- Many small meals: Divide the calories you eat in more meals during the day.
- Do aerobic: For those who do weights, add to your program aerobic, 2-3 times a week about 40 minutes at least. Do not listen to those who say that you will burn muscle mass, if you eat properly and full meals you are not going to burn muscle tissue but fat.
- Attention to our breakfast: Breakfast is the key point in fat loss and therefore weight control, eg. a good breakfast should contain oatmeal which is slow release carbohydrates, to keep you during the day, My favorite breakfast is eggs, oats and a banana.
- Attention to the supermarket: When we go to buy food for the house we should be careful not to fill the cart with unnecessary and fat foods. In our house we always should have healthy and elevated nutrient foods, so that we will not have the temptation next to us and in the end succumb and eat.
- Attention when we go for work: Do not find an excuse that we do not find something else to eat in our work but only harmful and fatty snack from the canteen. The best thing to do is to get a tupperware with our meal and our fruit. For God sake, not to be ashamed, I say this because I heard it, you should not be ashamed that you eat healthily.
- Fruits: Eat fruits in between meals to catch your hunger. But be careful not to overdo it. Another tip is to always eat the fruits than to squeeze them for a juice. The reason is that they lose their fibers ..
- Say yes to the good fats: These fats are not fattening, but instead they help in weight loss and they are essential for the body to produce energy. Specifically, the women need about 70 grams fat and men about 100 grams. The thing about fats is that we should avoid saturated and eat unsaturated fats like olive oil, avocado, etc.
- Say yes to protein: You must eat protein in every meal, specifically at least 1.5 grams protein for every pound of your body.
- Cheat meal: It's time to free our meal, choose a meal that you like and enjoy :). Attention, eat fearlessly without stress your free meal (it helps lose weight). Once in a while, it's good for us so our metabolism won't stop working, but continue to burn fat (if you're in a good shape it is recommended once a week, otherwise once every 2 weeks).